Sunday, February 18, 2007

Random thoughts on Life

Philosophical post ahead. You have been warned.

What’s the point of living this life anyways? Do we really live or do we just exist? Hurtling down the temporal superhighway (highway of time) at relative (einstein) speeds and suddenly getting off the highway (dying) at unforeseen destinations. In fact are they even destinations if you didn’t want to get off at that point? If we are not the ones who decide our destinations, then why are we on the journey?
Are we all travelers (wanderers if you like)? For I've heard that for a traveler; it is the journey itself that matters more than the destination. So are we unknowingly the ultimate travelers across space-time? Of course Niel Armstrong and the others get to have traveled the most in space but still.

Again choosing your destinations can be dangerous. Here are some typical examples.

Seeta : Walked into earth or got swallowed up or something. So basically chose to be treated like those people who get buried alive or sealed in walls. (check pre-renaissance Europe)

Ram : Took a 'samadhi' in the Sharayu river. Stayed there till ... well considering the divinity of the person, 'God' knows when. (Personally, I think this guy had a DEAD SEXY personality.)

Bheeshma : Poor dude got the worst case of acupuncture. Probably saadhus who sit on beds of nails got the idea from this guy.

Christ : Ouch... I think you know what I mean.

Tukaaraam : Ok this guy was lucky... Garud came and took him off.

Dnyaneshwar : Sealed himself in a room.

These are a few examples. So in short, we are all screwed in life; one way or the other.

No offense is meant to any religion etc. S0 dil pe mat lo!

1 comment:

Gokul Guruprasad said...

Viraj, you must be in a bad mood... no wonder you're so philosophical!!!

I'm speechless!!!